ABNC Party for the Planet, 2019 - SSCI Environmental

Save the Date!  Please join the Armand Bayou Nature Center’s Board of Trustees and sponsor San Jacinto College at PARTY FOR THE PLANET on Saturday evening, May 4th, 2019.  You are invited to enjoy a catered dinner, live music by Andy and the Dreamsicles, dancing, charitable auctions and games.

Armand Bayou Nature Center was founded in 1974 as a result of efforts begun by an environmental visionary, Armand Yramategui. Armand foresaw the urban growth around Armand Bayou and strove to have this land remain a wilderness. Armand’s tragic death in 1970 inspired a local, regional and national coalition of people and organizations to acquire the 2500 acres of land now preserved as ABNC.  ABNC is a non-profit organization that was established with the mission preservation and environmental education.  The Party for the Planet is ABNC’s annual fundraiser to support the mission and activities at the nature preserve.

SSCI has provided support to ABNC for many years and we encourage you to consider begin part of the fundraising dinner and auction celebration.  More information can be found about supporting the event at Auction Perfect.