Round Rock ISD

Project name and location:

Round Rock ISD fleet fueling station in Round Rock, TX.

Project description:

SSCI was contracted by GSC Architects to Engineer and provide Construction Oversight for the new Round Rock ISD Northwest Transportation Facility Fueling System.  We worked with the GSC Architects and their electrical and structural Engineering Sub Contractors to develop a fueling system for vehicular fueling, fuel tracking and inventory control of Round Rock ISD bus and maintenance fleet vehicles.  SSCI designed a three 10,000 gallon vaulted UL 2085 AST fueling system supplying two fuel islands with three dispensers each and an Island Card System.  The entire system, including tanks and piping, is monitored for leaks continuously and is controlled by a fuel management system that was already being utilized at other school facilities.  The users of the fueling system at the fuel islands are protected from inclement weather by a lighted canopy.  All tanks, piping and sumps are double walled and provide for additional leak prevention.


Round Rock ISD

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